Description as a Tweet:

pdfsync is a command-line tool to automatically sync Google Drive documents with PDF files on your PC!


A lot of websites want you to upload your documents in PDF format. If there's a document you frequently make minor changes to, such as a resume, it can be tedious to re-download it as a PDF every time you update it.

What it does:

It automatically syncs Google Drive documents with PDF files on your PC.

How we built it:

Using Python and the Google API Client Libraries

Technologies we used:

  • Python

Challenges we ran into:

Getting it to work on Unix (I have Windows), writing code to get alerted when a document actually changes

Accomplishments we're proud of:

Building something that's semi-useful (even if it'll take some more hackiing before it actually works)

What we've learned:

How to use the Google API Client Libraries

What's next:

- Kill the sync process when we're asked to stop syncing
- Add startup script for *nix systems
- Use Google Drive APIs to get notified when a document is changed
- Create a shell extension that uses the command-line version?

Built with:


Prizes we're going for:

  • Best Beginner Software Hack

Team Members

James Ko
Megan Vandre

Table Number

Table TBD