Description as a Tweet:

Our project is a cute little meme maker. Input an image and a caption, and watch your memes come to life :)


Our group really enjoys browsing and looking at memes, so we decided to make some of our own.

What it does:

Simple! It makes memes. You input an image and a text and you get a meme!

How we built it:

We built this web application using a Flask server and Bootstrap.

Technologies we used:

  • Python
  • Flask

Challenges we ran into:

It was pretty much our first time learning any of what we did, including Python, Flask, Bootstrap, HTML/CSS, so it was difficult just learning how everything worked.

Accomplishments we're proud of:

We are proud that we created a web application that actually does something and could possibly be updated in the future for others to use.

What we've learned:

We learned how to create a web application using Python, HTML/CSS, Flask, and Bootstrap.

What's next:

Hopefully, get it running on a domain, and allow users to customize their memes even further.

Built with:

We built this web application with a Flask server and Bootstrap.

Prizes we're going for:

  • Best Web Hack
  • Funniest Hack
  • Best Beginner Web Hack

Team Members

Aaron Cheng
Kevin Chiu
Jasmine Zhen

Table Number

Table TBD