Description as a Tweet:

The Covid Contact Tracing Map provides a public map that displays times and locations visited by those who have tested positive for Covid. People can check this map to see whether or not they are at risk, and whether or not they should take further precautions.


Covid is the most pressing issue and greatest concern at the moment. One of the reasons the virus is spreading so rapidly is that people with Covid do not know they have it because they are not showing symptoms, and they proceed to go out in public. The map on this web app will help inform people to quarantine even if they are asymptomatic, which will prevent the potential spreading of the virus.

What it does:

It provides a map of locations and times where people may have contracted Covid. The map helps inform people on whether or not they need to take further precautions (quarantine, monitor symptoms, get tested). It essentially makes contact tracing information available to the public and provides a way for individuals with Covid to warn their communities through the report function.

How we built it:

VS Code and a million online tutorials.

Technologies we used:

  • Javascript

Challenges we ran into:

I had never made a web app or used an API before and so this project was a bit overwhelming. And so, I ran into countless errors and bugs. Also, I really wanted to store the markers (locations and times) remotely, but I have no experience with back-end development so I was forced to store the markers locally, which is obviously not practical.

Accomplishments we're proud of:

Figuring out the Google maps/places api and participating in my first Hackathon. Overall, the outcome was better than I anticipated.

What we've learned:

Google Maps/Places API, how to use an API, JS

What's next:

1. Store markers remotely on a database
2. Add a search by location, date, and time to the map page to make checking more convenient
3. Host it online (I did not see any point to doing this because the markers are local)

Built with:

I used HTML, CSS, JS, Google Maps and Places API, and a bit of bootstrap.

Prizes we're going for:

  • Best Web Hack
  • Best Healthcare Hack
  • Best Beginner Web Hack
  • Best Use of Google Cloud

Team Members

Eli Ji

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