Description as a Tweet:

This is a web application that focuses on accessibility and the simplicity of making a leaderboard tracker for intramural soccer leagues. Our goal is to make tracking team statistics more accessible, comprehendable, and with enhanced UI.


A lot of students are not on an official college sports team due to its high competitive nature. We wanted to improve the experience for those that would rather engage in intramural sports by creating a leaderboard system especially since our goal is to promote healthy sporting activity post COVID-19.

What it does:

Our project is a website that stores leagues each of which contains various soccer teams. These teams are ranked based on their win to loss ratio and the website stores statistics for each team and their most recent match.

How we built it:

We build this project using the Django web framework. We encorporated our knowledge of Python, queries, HTML, databases, and SQL to create our web application. We split the work half on front end and half on back end.

Technologies we used:

  • SQL
  • Python
  • Django

Challenges we ran into:

We faced the challenges that came with working remotely as well as being able to finish everything we had planned given the time constraint. We also had some problems related to syntax and understanding Django but we were able to overcome those obstacles using online tutorials and Stack Overflow.

Accomplishments we're proud of:

We are proud of our ability to learn new web frameworks such as Django, which most of us were unfamiliar with coming into the hackathon, as well as our ability to work collaboratively using Github.

What we've learned:

We learned how to make commits to github on a collaborative repository, how to use Django, create databases, and queries.

What's next:

We plan to broaden the scope of our idea to encorporate other sports as well as video games. We want to make our web application used by a large audience and one that would feel more integrated as a result.

Built with:

We built our website using Django, SQL, HTML, and Python. We also used VSCode and Vim to develop the application.

Prizes we're going for:

  • Best Documentation
  • Best Web Hack
  • Best Beginner Software Hack
  • Best Beginner Web Hack

Team Members

William Ly
Shreyas Rai
Alex Kim
Joseph Ismael

Table Number

Table TBD