Description as a Tweet:

Have you ever wondered how many calories you've eaten at the UMass Dining Commons? With this revolutionary new web app, you can take the food directly off your plate and into your device (not literally)! Now you can see your total macronutrients and daily value as well!


I want to count my calories so I don't overeat. I know many other people that had trouble tracking their calories efficiently, so maybe this could help them.

What it does:

The user selects the food that they ate at UMass. Then it calculates the total macronutrients and daily values.

How we built it:

We used python as a backend with Flask. We also used BeautifulSoup to web scrape from Bootstrap was also very helpful when we wanted to format the website.

Technologies we used:

  • Javascript
  • Python
  • Flask

Challenges we ran into:

We had trouble trying to integrate the web app online because of compatibility issues. We tried to make a "go back" button that was very difficult to implement without any issues. We struggled to get data from forms as well.

Accomplishments we're proud of:

We are proud of having an end product that looks good and works for the most part (especially for our first hackathon).

What we've learned:

We learned how to web scrape from any website, use Flask, use inspect element, learned some python, some HTML/CSS, and how to work as a team.

What's next:

Mobile development, some bug fixes, and a feature that helped the user reach a desired weight.

Built with:

Python, Bootstrap, HTML/CSS, BeautifulSoup4, Flask,

Prizes we're going for:

  • Best Web Hack
  • Funniest Hack
  • Best Mobile Hack
  • Best Beginner Software Hack
  • Best Beginner Web Hack

Team Members

Chris Barry
James Chen

Table Number

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