Description as a Tweet:

Say bye to COVID with "Adios COVID"! A fun Python Space Invaders-inspired game where you act as a vaccine getting rid of the coronavirus. Distribute all of the vaccine!


With how serious COVID can be, we wanted to take a more lighthearted approach to this pandemic.

What it does:

COVID-themed Space Invaders

How we built it:

We made the graphics!

Technologies we used:

  • Python

Challenges we ran into:

Animation (neither of us are artists)

Accomplishments we're proud of:

Animation! (neither of us artists)

What we've learned:

Animation & Pygame
We learned Selenium for a different (and failed) project attempt

What's next:

Getting a real vaccine (soon!), learning more about the capabilities of Pygame

Built with:


Prizes we're going for:

  • Funniest Hack
  • Best Mobile Hack
  • Best Healthcare Hack

Team Members

Mia Taylor
Yash Jain

Table Number

Table TBD