Description as a Tweet:

Send items via people that are traveling domestically or overseas to be delivered.


My relatives and family friends always send things that they want to send back to their home country with people they know that happen to be visiting that country. I figured that a lot of other people that send things overseas probably do this too so I thought why only limit it to people you know, why not use other people, that you may not know, traveling overseas as well. Why not do it domestically as well.

What it does:

It lets people who are travelling domestically or overseas to make a listing that they're going to be travelling to a certain place so that way others can see that listing on the map and contact them so they can send their desired item to that place via the lister. The lister can charge money for the delivery if they wish.

How we built it:

An Android and IOS app made with Flutter and GCP for the Google Map integration.

Technologies we used:

  • Misc

Challenges we ran into:

Automatically adding the marker as soon as you finish the listing.

Accomplishments we're proud of:

Automatically adding the marker as soon as you finish the listing. Integrating Google Maps using GCP.

What we've learned:

More Flutter UI as well as Google Maps integration and a bit of Google Cloud Platforms (GCP).

What's next:

Better looking UI and integrating a payment system as well as adding a chat feature and maybe allowing people to request listings (Requesting deliveries).

Built with:

Flutter and GCP for the Google Map integration.

Prizes we're going for:

  • Best Mobile Hack

Team Members

Ahmed Jaafar

Table Number

Table TBD