Description as a Tweet:

Ever been at the right place at the right time feeling the wrong emotion? Use the unravel app which will give you a personal recommendation how to change that! From sad to happy or lazy to excited, we have everything personalized just for you.


Humans are emotional creatures who often want to change how they feel. If we are able to provide them with ways to do this, we can help people who are depressed or over excited about something to solve that.

What it does:

It is a mobile or computer application which allows the user to have a series of personal recommendations on what to watch, read or listen to so as to change how they feel. It starts off by asking the user a series of personal questions which can be skipped as an option.

How we built it:

We built the project by first planning out our structure of the application and what it'll provide to the users. We then wrote out a series of general questions which can be inputted into the application later on. Then we used figma to construct a basic prototype of our application.

Technologies we used:

  • Misc

Challenges we ran into:

Deciding on what our application will provide for users who are highly emotional and how to make use of the questions is something our team pondered over for a period of time.

Accomplishments we're proud of:

We were able to create the basic prototype of the application despite time differences and restrictions and it was an overall fun, learning experience.

What we've learned:

We hadn't used figma before for building applications, which was introduced to us by one of our teammates. It will help us in the future for other projects which we all look forward too.

What's next:

We plan on moving past the prototype stages and fully implementing the code for the application.

Built with:

Figma, a vector graphics editor and prototyping tool which is primarily web-based.

Prizes we're going for:

  • Best Documentation
  • Best Venture Pitch
  • Best Mobile Hack
  • Best Healthcare Hack
  • Best Beginner Software Hack

Team Members

Ruchira Sharma
Vikas Balamurugan
Shalini Krish

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