Description as a Tweet:

Fruit falls, and if you can't catch the fruit then you loose.


I wanted to make a game, that would be cool, but also in the process help me to remember any coding I forgot, since I hadn't really coded anything in a year.

What it does:

Fruit falls, when you click the fruit, it disappears, and when it hits the bottom block, you loose a heart. When you have caught all the fruit, you get a "You Win!" animation. When you have lost all three hearts, or if you have 1 heart left, but have gone through all of the fruit, you get a "Game Over" animation.

How we built it:

I used code studio. (Also I'm not sure what coding language I used.)

Technologies we used:

  • Misc

Challenges we ran into:

I had a difficult time getting the "You Win!", and "Game Over!" animations to work.

Accomplishments we're proud of:

I am proud that I made a game, and I made my own sprites for it.

What we've learned:

I learned about machine learning with code (workshop). While coding, I (re)learned/remembered coding things that I had forgotten.

What's next:

To make the "You Win!", and "Game Over!" animations a little better. Also to add more fruit.

Built with:

Code Studio.

Prizes we're going for:

  • Funniest Hack
  • Best Mobile Hack
  • Best Beginner Software Hack

Team Members

Anna Rousos

Table Number

Table TBD