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A E-friend that has solutions to your mental health


There is no doubt, how Covid has messed up with our lives and it has affected the brain most brutally. I myself have been in depression during the lockdown also Reports suggest that there is almost a 50% surge in depressed patients after Covid. Keeping this in mind I decided to make a web application that determines if the person is depressed and if he is, then provides remedies for the same.

What it does:

I have come up with a web application with a spectacular User interface. My web application Uses Machine learning and some questions to determine if the user is depressed and if he is; we provide him with the remedies. We ask the user to take a self-assessment test on our Home page. Our self-assessment test uses the web-cam of the user to determine the mood of the person.We understands that a person’s face can’t totally decide the feelings inside so we have additional questions set to confirm if the person is sad or happy. If we find that a person is depressed, we provide a list of remedies that he can use to overcome his depression.These remedies include suggesting songs to cheer up the mood, suggesting hobbies to follow, and access to a large community to talk about his feelings

How we built it:

I built the app from scratch beginning with a Flask application. After properly configuring the app I began to work on basic html, css, and javascript. From there trained a model for a machine learning algorithm that would be able to recognize the users mood. I integrated this model into my web-app through python which I then combined with our front-end. From here I added an additional questionnaire to further assess the users mental health. Based on these combined parameters the app will conclude what mood they are in and give useful resources displayed on our final page. I plan to in the future use JS or more python in order to create a chat bot to ask the questions.

Technologies we used:

  • Javascript
  • Python
  • Flask
  • AI/Machine Learning

Challenges we ran into:

The biggest challenge for me was to single-handedly complete the whole project which uses various technologies and then integrate it into a web environment. Me still being in high-school did not have much peer support and for every doubt, I had to rush to Google. Also not residing in USA, I had to wake up till long hours to attend my favourite workshops...

Accomplishments we're proud of:

Being in high-School from India and looking at the web-application I am proud of the work I did, from integrating various technologies to single-handedly debugging everything in just a weekend makes me proud of myself.

What we've learned:

I learnt some new concepts of python, HTML, CSS, and machine learning apart from that I learnt a lot when I was debugging things on my own and googling everything : D

What's next:

I had amazing plans for the app but due to time constraints, I could only achieve limited features:- I plan to develop a community of psychologists and happy/Sad people so that people can openly chat with them and seek help. I also plan to keep a song recommender. knowing the mood of that person we can suggest him/her a song that will help him go through his phase. I also plan to keep meditation tutorials on our website so that people can be more calm and be strong mentally.

Built with:


Prizes we're going for:

  • Best Web Hack
  • Best Machine Learning Hack
  • Best Beginner Software Hack
  • Best Beginner Web Hack

Team Members

Anushk Pokharna

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